Wednesday, 11 December 2013


BRAIN is Hardware & MIND is
There are 4 drives in the MIND
(1) First drive / Conscious Mind:
(Operator) Its capacity is only 5%. It
works from awake to sleep. Its job is
judging, analysis & opinions. It
works on the basis of logic,
reasoning and rationalism. People
whose left hemisphere of the brain
is active are logical and right
hemisphere creative.                           
(2) Second drive / Sub-Conscious
Mind: (Machine) Its power is 95%
(30,000 times more than the
conscious mind). Program files are
there. It works 24 hours. It
understands only the language of
emotions (feelings). It does not
discriminate whether it is positive or
negative, good or bad, right or
wrong. When it stops working that is
the last day for us.
It does not know logic, reasoning,
rationalism, good & bad, right &
wrong. Whatever Sub-Conscious
Mind believes, it happens in our
life. If we want to change our
reality, we have to change our belief
in Sub-Conscious level. We are
unaware of it.
Its job is breathing, blood pumping,
heart beating & healing process in
the body. No medicine heals
because medicine makes balancing
the elements in human body.
Beliefs & habits store in Sub-
Conscious Mind. It leads the
pattern of our life which we
consciously unaware of it. This
pattern repeats again and again. We
are searching the answers to our
sufferings at conscious (Physical)
Aladdin and Genii story we all know
whereas there were no such Genii.
He was the master of using his Sub-
Conscious Mind. Whatever he wants,
he uses his Sub-Conscious Mind to
get it.                                                   
(3) Third drive / Un-Conscious Mind:
(Hidden) Where fears, phobias and
complaints store.                                
(4) Fourth drive / Super-Conscious
Mind: It connects us environment.
Once we reach this state, we can
very easily understand VIBRATIONS,
MIND works on the principle of
Phenomena of Resonance (Electro
Magnetic Waves) which we normally
can not see & Albert Einstein’s
theory of relativity (E=MC²). Universe
is filled with energy. Everything is
energy which we can see in the
universe is only 10%, (including
planets, galaxies in the universe
comes under 10% visible energy
only) but unseen (invisible) energy
is 90%. It does not constantly stay
in one place. Always it moves one
place to another.
Even thought also creates energy.
Energy is negative & positive, visible
& invisible. Thought is a quick,
light, mobile form of energy. We
create everything first in thought
form. We can not create or destroy
the energy. But we can transform
the energy into one form to another
i.e. may be into solid or liquid or
gas or vice verse.               

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